Welcome to my Instagram Card!

Feel free to ask me for a link to my discord server! (not genshin based)

I most post random content, no specific posting time.(CST) Im a 14 y.o., my pronouns are she/he/they, and I'm INTP T.


Diluc, Xiao,Razor, Bennet, Kaeya, Zhongli, Gorou, Thoma, Ningguang,


My opinions can be controversial! (regarding ships, characters, etc)

Current Team ; zhongli, Kaeya, Bennet, Mona Zhongli/ Mona Main My AR is 45 and my UID is 624281646 NA server

My Socials ( click the icons)

I post spam every once in a while, my stories are very active and are usually long, also my videos and pictures are very low quality. Also my opinions can be very controversial.
If youre a pro shipper, make every character lgbtq+(sexualization/fetishization), Sexualizes characters, Post NSFW, If you ship xiao x venti/ kaeya x diluc, or any ship of characters that arent connected in any way canonically, if you gatekeep or insult people for their builds.


I like grunge aesthetic, Music(Korn/slipknot/Hollywood undead/three days grace) I like mostly shonen anime but also like many other genres. Im very open minded. Ships i like (p=platonic) : Ningguang x beidou, Xinqiu x Chongyun, Ei x Yae, Amber x Eula, Lisa X jean, Razor x Bennet (p), Albedo x Sucrose(p), Traveler x literally any character(p)